Hello, I'm

Vishnu Kumar

web/app developer

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about me

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Hi!, Good to see you here.
My name is Vishnu Kumar and I am a web and app developer. From childhood, I was always curious to know “How websites, mobile applications, and software are built?”. To quench this curiosity after high school I started learning C++ and after my intermediate, I chose to do my bachelor’s in Computer Science and Engineering. Currently, I am pursuing my 3rd year of B. Tech. at Lovely Professional University and looking for internship opportunities to gain real experience.



bachelore of technology - Lovely Professional university

I am pursueing B.Tech CSE at Lpu


Intermediate - DDPS

I have done my Intermediate (12th) form Dayawati Dharmavira Public School Bijnor


High school - DDPS

I have done my High School (10th) form Dayawati Dharmavira Public School Bijnor

June 2020 - July 2020

Internship - HashHackCode

I have done this 2 months Internship at HashHackCode after my first year in summer break, this internship was about web development

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recent work

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Book Store Android App

Book Store App is an Android application which is build by using programing languages Java and XML. It was my very first project which I build after learning the basic concepts of the Android Development.

  • Created - 15 Oct 2021
  • Technologies used - Java, XML
  • Role - App Developer
  • View Online - www.github.com
project thumbnail

Personal Portfolio Website

Personal Portfolio is a website build by using technologies HTML, CSS and Javascript. I build this project to represent myself and my work to the wolrd. This website have four module and every module is completely responsive.

  • Created - 13 Nov 2021
  • Technologies used - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Role - Frontend
  • View Online - www.github.com
project thumbnail

RGB Color Game Website

RGB Color Game Webiste is a simple game which is based on the RGB (Red Green Blue) Color Code. In this website we have to guess the rigth color corresponding to a randomly generated RGB Color Code from a group of colors. This website have three levels easy, hard and pro. I build this web site using the basics of Javascript, HTML and CSS while I was learing the Frontend Development.

  • Created - 10 Feb 2021
  • Technologies used - Html, Css, Js
  • Role - Web Developer
  • View Online - www.github.com
project thumbnail

Captcha Generator

Captcha Generator is a Python Language Project. This project is build by using the Tkinter, which is a standard GUI library of Python. To build this project I used the several widgets of the Tkinter library. The captcha is generated randomly of length 4 to 7 characters, using uppercase alphabets and numbers.

  • Created - 18 Aug 2020
  • Technologies used - Python, Tkinter
  • Role - Software Developer
  • View Online - www.github.com

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